
  • The Institutional curriculum at the Under Graduate and Post Graduate level is designed giving due considerations to experimental learning resulting in practical expertise.
  • It is sought to provide hands-on experience in industrial and technological processes, after thorough deliberations and lengthy discussions with professionals from the industry and peers from the institutions of academic excellence.
  • An industrial internship has also been introduced at the end of the penultimate year of the course of study to fine tune Industry readiness skills.
  • Pursuit of mini-projects and participation in seminars and academic discussions made mandatory for every student during their course of study to upgrade their technical skills and confidence level aimed at improving all round development.
  • Imparting comprehensive Communication and Soft Skills to hone employability quotient among students other than enhancing the life skills .
  • The Communication and Soft Skills Department (CSS) is one-of- its-kind experiment launched in the entire southern region specifically aimed at achieving holistic personality development among students and creating a potential workforce for the future.
  • The Communication and Soft Skills Department (CSS) offers training in modules spread over 6 semesters culminating in facilitating placements and higher academic pursuits. The CSS training is offered right from the 1st year encompassing a gamut of life skills as well as Industry readiness skills such as Quantitative Aptitude, English Communication skills, soft skills and personality development along with music and yoga as an integral part of the regular course work.
  • The Department of Communication and Soft Skills (CSS) in association with Training and Placement Division makes the student competent enough to face corporate recruitment/placement tests conducted by the visiting companies.
  • To ensure the cultivation of good character and ethical values among the students, professional ethics course has been introduced in the curriculum for all students. While framing the curriculum the norms laid down by AICTE are implemented in true letter and spirit. Nearly 70% of the subjects are core/technical while the rest of 30% covers the subjects of Applied Science and Humanities.
  • Around 25 to 30% of the courses focus on introducing experimental learning in every semester. All departments of the institution offer several Electives in their curriculum, which are responsive as well as relevant to the changing requirements of the Academia and Industry.
  • As a part of the curriculum, the stream-wise electives are offered to the students at the UG level The college accords top priority for inculcating research aptitude among the students in order to make them highly productive and industry- ready human resource. The students are constantly encouraged and involved in all research activities.
  • To provide a competitive edge to the students, a provision has been made to integrate computer & IT Domain specific skills into the curriculum for the students irrespective of their specialization. Computer fundamentals and C programming course are introduced in the very 1st year of all the branches of Engineering and during the successive semesters, basic courses such as OOPS, DBMS, Operating Systems etc. are introduced based on the specific needs of the branch of study. The students are further imparted advanced training in the fields of their specialization.
  • The students are encouraged to take up projects having steady global as well as societal relevance. Most of the projects are executed in the advanced labs such as GET Center, MEMS Nodal center, National Instruments (LabView academy), CISCO Network Academy, Microsoft Innovation Center and IBM center of Excellence.
  • In addition to the regular curriculum-based projects, several high profile industry- specific projects like TGMC projects in association with IBM, Microsoft Innovation projects are undertaken on a regular basis.
  • In addition to the regular courses the college also offers the certificate courses which include National Instruments course on LabView, IBM Certified DB2 Program, CISCO Certified Networking Course.
  • Continuous inputs from all stakeholders like Alumni, Academicians and Industry experts etc. are taken to improve the curriculum and fine tune the delivery mechanism on a regular basis